Etienne Peirsman began teaching craniosacral therapy in 1991, and founded craniosacral institutes in Belgium and the Netherlands. He is also the originator of the Craniosacral Professional Organization in Holland. He currently teaches in New Mexico and Washington, USA.
Etienne is the author of the book "Craniosacral Therapy for Babies and Small Children," published by North Atlantic Books in 2006. His work encompasses the evolution from a biomechanical (Upledger) to a biodynamic approach (Sutherland/Sills). His specialty is the expression of the Heart, the long tide and their connection to meditation and enlightenment. He has said “Drop the word therapy. It is not part of who and what we are. Face it, you are perfect and your heart is perfect”.
Etienne's site:
Carol Agneesens began studying Rolfing in 1981, eventually going on to become an instructor at the Rolf Institute. Her subsequent exploration of visceral work, neurophysiology, osteopathic modalities, biodynamics, and embryology form the basis for her craniosacral trainings. She practices in Santa Cruz, California.
Carol's website:
Fomentek website:
W.C Hobbs talks about the secretive world of sexual dysfunction and shares some incredible case studies from her book "Golden Hand Sessions" which highlights thirty years of clinical practice as a counselor and nurse.